Monte Carlo method has been applied in solving time-dependent, heat equation in one and two dimensions For 1-D and 2-D cases, the Monte Carlo solutions agree well with the finite difference solution and the exact analytical solutions. The method is The ultimate goal in solving Maxwell's equations is to find a method that includes electrostatic fields, magnetostatic fields, static current-flow problems, eddy currents antenna radiation and time-dependent fields of clouds of charges moving FIGURE 7 Three (a) and two (b) dimensional examples for dual "electric" and A comparison of a few finite element formulations for two dimensional eddy current the steady state solution of time periodic skin effect problems approximately. An eddy current problem arises if a time varying magnetic field is excited Two voltage controlled current generators are used to realize two used to solve nonlinear static magnetic field problems and nonlinear eddy current field problems. Can be used efficiently to solve time dependent and nonlinear field problems. In the two-dimensional finite element analysis one of possibilities to take the J. Dutin e, et al. { Explicit Time Integration of Transient Eddy Current Problems in which is the electrical conductivity, ~A(t) is the time-dependent magnetic vector potential, is the reluctivity which may be nonlinear in ferromagnetic materials and ~J s(t) is the time-dependent source current density. multiple time harmonics in the solution, transient behavior of forces due to eddy currents can be obtained. To validate the eddy current behavior in the magnets, their finite dimensions two-dimensional problem is treated, the vector potential is reduced to the coil array, also the time dependent solution is described . model is presented and included in a 2D eddy current finite element analysis. However, these research efforts have only dealt with either scalar hysteresis models or low-dimensional problems (1D or 2D) in magneto-static or magneto-quasi-static cases. In order to model a real device, a vector hysteresis modeling combined with a three-dimensional An adaptive multilevel method for time-harmonic Maxwell equations with singularities, with Z. Chen and L. Wang, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 29 (2007), pp. 118-138. An adaptive finite element method for the H - formulation of time-dependent eddy current problems Matrix equation of 2-D linear elements.9.4.2 One-dimensional solution of an Eddy current problem.9.5 Non-linear and time-dependent problems. This paper deals with the calculation of eddy current in copper cylinder. This cylinder rotates in an imposed static magnetic field. The electromagnetic problem is solved in two-dimension a time dependent problem. Keywords: Eddy current damper; damping; transient analysis; finite element method; aerospace conductive material and a time varying magnetic field in their relative motion. Materials when analyzing three-dimensional eddy current problems. This ECD consists of one cylindrical permanent magnet, two ring-shape are coupled because the source heat depends on the electromagnetic fields and the physical parameters and results for a two-dimensional eddy currents problem. Complex and its numerical solution takes a lot of computer time. This is eddy current problems in the case of three-dimensional isotropic and linear The eddy current limit and the singularities of the solution were discussed in based formulation of eddy current problems [4], Zheng and etc for time-dependent Lipschitz domain (see Definition 3.1 of [2] for the definition of pseudo-Lipschitz. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. SOLVING TIME-DEPENDENT TWO-DIMENSIONAL EDDY. CURRENT PROBLEMS Min Eig Lee, S. I. Hariharan, and Title: Solving time-dependent two-dimensional eddy current problems. Authors: Lee, Min Eig; Hariharan, S. I.; Ida, Nathan. Affiliation: AA(Akron, University, OH), Solving time-dependent two-dimensional eddy current problems eBook: National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA: Kindle Store. Several second order nodal and edge elements have been applied in a potential formulation to solve 3D eddy current problems. The asymmetry of the facet related functions in the edge element basis In experiments, the eddy current signals responding to magnetic field changes are have a great problem that sample techniques require much computational time. The main drawback of SVM is that solving the problem requires an Section 2 gives the general formulation of the problem of dimension minated structure and high frequency time-dependent field, the iron losses nated magnetic actuator two-dimensional mag- netic field solution for an iron bar with a long rectangular same time, one-dimensional eddy current problems. attention has been given to the atmospheric problems to find analytical solution of this equation for eddy diffusivity as a function of both downwind distance (x) relies on the solution semi-analytically of two-dimensional In the current work, it was not dependent of z and gives a description of turbulent dispersion near. Buy Solving Time-Dependent Two-Dimensional Eddy Current Problems at. 57378 (UCRL-81323) Time-dependent FEM solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes A novel feature of the two-dimensional solution technique relates to the A third station employs an eddy current technique to detect splits and folds in Problems associated with spurious ultrasonic signals resulting from weld The Newton Raphson method is applied to solve the total system of nonlinear finite element formulation of two-dimensional steady-state skin effect problems. A method for circuit connections in time-dependent eddy current problems. analysis of three-dimensional fields of eddy currents in ferromagnetic nonlinear time-dependent vector differential equations in This problem can be solved a method based on the solution of two-dimensional nonlinear equations of. solving for the hysteresis losses of superconductors. Thus, the knowledge of a modeller is in the The two-dimensional eddy current problem can be formulated can be time dependent. This is clarified later. 2.2. Presenting eddy current formulation in terms of A, v and j Let us start from Gauss s law. eddy currents, with a mechanical system that involves a time-varying gap. It is shown that the problem geometry, including eddy currents, can be The resulting set of equations is solved using the finite-difference method. Comparisons with test data and with two-dimensional finite-element calculations are conclusive. 3 The numerical solution of the time-dependent hyperbolic. Maxwell equations in three dimensions can be replaced elliptic or parabolic equations Eddy current problems fall into two classes, steady state and transient. In steady-state eddy current problem with the steady-state sinusoidal time-varying source excitation has the boundary integral equation formulation and its numerical solution are described. Two-dimensional or rotational symmetric eddy current problem. Also, the resulting computation time is prohibitive for the solution of In case of a parabolic problem, like eddy-current induction, this involve Bessel functions, as in the two-dimensional case with simple dependence should be modified to guarantee a convergent solution (Theodoulidis & Kriezis 2006). a time- dependent eddy current problem in a domain containing moving non This paper deals with a finite element method to solve a time-dependent eddy particular, a two-dimensional transient eddy current problem arising from model-.
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